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Daily Soup
YukoŶ Gold Frites ǁith our hoŵeŵade spiĐLJ garliĐ ŵaLJoŶŶaise
EsĐargot au graiŶ
Midžed OrgaŶiĐ Field GreeŶs dressed ǁith aŶ herď riĐe ǁiŶe ǀiŶaigrete
OrgaŶiĐ RoŵaiŶe Hearts ǁith Caesar dressiŶg, herď-suŶdried toŵato ĐroutoŶs, aŶd shaǀed GraŶa PadaŶo Cheese
BroǁŶes SpiĐLJ Vegetaďle Saŵosa serǀed ǁith red oŶioŶs aŶd ŵaŶgo-taŵariŶd sauĐe
Bartlet Pear Salad ǁith orgaŶiĐ arugula, asiago Đheese
Grilled SardiŶes ŵariŶated iŶ red ĐurrLJ, leŵoŶgrass aŶd ĐoriaŶder root paste
Pluŵ toŵatoes, ŵozzarella, parŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed herďs
Wild Mushrooŵs
Shiitake, oLJster, ĐreŵiŶi aŶd Portoďello ŵushrooŵs, ďraised leeks,
suŶdried toŵatoes, asiago, ŵozzarella, parŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed herďs
ItaliaŶ Sausage
Kalaŵata oliǀes, Đaraŵelized oŶioŶs, toŵato sauĐe, riĐota, ŵozzarella,
parŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed herďs
BroǁŶes Laŵď Sausage
OǀeŶ-dried toŵatoes, spiŶaĐh, roasted garliĐ, goat Đheese,
ŵozzarella, parŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed herďs
PeŶŶe Rigate ǁith hot ItaliaŶ sausage, Đaraŵelized oŶioŶs, roasted garliĐ, Kalaŵata oliǀes iŶ a herďed toŵato sauĐe
AŶgel Hair ǁith grilled ĐhiĐkeŶ, suŶdried toŵatoes, red oŶioŶs, roasted garliĐ iŶ a light oliǀe oil-herďed toŵato sauĐe
RigatoŶi ǁith AsiaŶ ŵariŶated Neǁ York Strip loiŶ , ǁild ŵushrooŵs, sŶoǁ peas iŶ a Madeira-deŵi-Đreaŵ sauĐe
LiŶguiŶe ǁith Tiger shriŵp, Đalaŵari, sĐallops, sŶoǁ peas, sĐallioŶs, tossed ǁith roasted garliĐ aŶd spiĐed edžtra ǀirgiŶ oliǀe oil
AtlaŶiĐ SalŵoŶ topped ǁith Đitrus-herď-liŵe iŶfused ďuter, serǀed ǁith Ŷeǁ potato aŶd seasoŶal ǀegetaďles
Ceriied AŶgus Neǁ York Strip LoiŶ topped ǁith roasted shallots aŶd garliĐ iŶfused ďuter, serǀed ǁith YukoŶ gold frites
Grilled Calaŵari ǁith ďaďLJ arugula, ĐherrLJ toŵatoes, shallot ďalsaŵiĐ sauĐe
Sautéed Proǀiŵi liǀer ǁith oŶioŶs, roasted garliĐ, BroǁŶes Jus, serǀed ǁith YukoŶ frites aŶd ǀegetaďles
Seared Ahi TuŶa NiĐoise ǁith greeŶ ďeaŶs, ĐuĐuŵďer, toŵato, hearts of palŵ, Ŷeǁ potato, egg aŶd aŶĐhoǀies
Field GreeŶs Salad ǁith grilled ĐhiĐkeŶ, ĐrispLJ paŶĐeta aŶd Đaraŵelized oŶioŶs
Shriŵp aŶd SĐallops AsiaŶ stLJle ǁith Ŷeǁ potato aŶd seasoŶal ǀegetaďles
DailLJ Soup
EsĐaƌgot au gƌaiŶ
YukoŶ Gold Fƌites ǁith ouƌ hoŵeŵade spiĐLJ gaƌliĐ ŵaLJoŶŶaise
Beef CaƌpaĐĐio ǁith aƌugula, shaǀed gƌaŶa padaŶo, dƌizzled ǁith ƌoseŵaƌLJ iŶfused oliǀe oil
Baked Goat Cheese ǁith oliǀe oil oŶ ĐƌosiŶis
Gƌilled SaƌdiŶes ŵaƌiŶated iŶ ƌed ĐuƌƌLJ, leŵoŶgƌass aŶd ĐoƌiaŶdeƌ ƌoot paste
Gƌilled Calaŵaƌi, Aƌugula, dƌizzled ǁith aged ďalsaŵiĐ & shallot sauĐe
BƌoǁŶes SpiĐLJ Vegetaďles Saŵosa seƌǀed ǁith ƌed oŶioŶs aŶd ŵaŶgo-taŵaƌiŶd sauĐe
P.E.I. Mussels steaŵed iŶ BƌoǁŶes hoŵe ŵade ĐuƌƌLJ ďƌoth
Midžed OƌgaŶiĐ Field GƌeeŶs ǁith a heƌď ƌiĐe ǁiŶe ǀiŶaigƌete topped ǁith ladž seeds
OƌgaŶiĐ RoŵaiŶe Heaƌts ǁith Đaeseƌ dƌessiŶg, heƌď-suŶdƌied toŵato ĐƌoutoŶs, aŶd shaǀed GƌaŶa PadaŶo Cheese
Bufalo Mozzaƌella Salad ǁith ǀiŶe-ƌipeŶed toŵatoes aŶd ƌoasted ƌed peppeƌ, dƌessed ǁith a ďalsaŵiĐ ƌeduĐioŶ aŶd ďasil iŶfused edžtƌa ǀiƌgiŶ oliǀe oil
Baƌtlet Peaƌ Salad ǁith oƌgaŶiĐ aƌugula, RoƋuefoƌt Đheese, ƌoasted ǁalŶuts iŶ a poppLJ seed aŶd hoŶeLJ-ŵustaƌd dƌessiŶg
Pluŵ toŵatoes, ŵozzaƌella, paƌŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed heƌďs
Wild Mushƌooŵs
Shiitake, oLJsteƌ, ĐƌeŵiŶi aŶd Poƌtoďello ŵushƌooŵs, ďƌaised leeks,
suŶdƌied toŵatoes, asiago, ŵozzaƌella, paƌŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed heƌďs
ItaliaŶ Sausage
Kalaŵata oliǀes, Đaƌaŵelized oŶioŶs, toŵato sauĐe, ƌiĐota, ŵozzaƌella,
paƌŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed heƌďs
BƌoǁŶes Laŵď Sausage
OǀeŶ-dƌied toŵatoes, spiŶaĐh, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ, goat Đheese,
ŵozzaƌella, paƌŵesaŶ aŶd ŵidžed heƌďs
PeŶŶe Rigate ǁith hot ItaliaŶ sausage, Đaƌaŵelized oŶioŶs, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ, Kalaŵata oliǀes iŶ a heƌďed toŵato sauĐe
AŶgel Haiƌ ǁith gƌilled ĐhiĐkeŶ, suŶdƌied toŵatoes, ƌed oŶioŶs, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ iŶ a light oliǀe oil-heƌďed toŵato sauĐe
RigatoŶi ǁith AsiaŶ ŵaƌiŶated Neǁ Yoƌk Stƌip loiŶ , ǁild ŵushƌooŵs, sŶoǁ peas iŶ a Madeiƌa-deŵi-Đƌeaŵ sauĐe
Fusilli ǁith ǁild ŵushƌooŵs, fƌesh toŵatoes, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ, ƌed oŶioŶs tossed ǁith ďasil pesto aŶd ďlaĐk tƌule oil
LiŶguiŶe ǁith Tigeƌ shƌiŵp, Đalaŵaƌi, sĐallops, sŶoǁ peas, sĐallioŶs, tossed ǁith ƌoasted gaƌliĐ aŶd spiĐed edžtƌa ǀiƌgiŶ oliǀe oil
AtlaŶiĐ SalŵoŶ topped ǁith Đitƌus-heƌď-liŵe iŶfused ďuteƌ, Ŷeǁ potatoes aŶd seasoŶal ǀegetaďles
Pƌoǀiŵi Liǀeƌ ǁith ǁaƌŵ ďeets, YukoŶ gold fƌites aŶd Đaƌaŵelized oŶioŶs jaŵ Đoŵpote
PaŶ Seaƌed Tigeƌ shƌiŵp, sea sĐallops ŵaƌiŶated ǁith Đuƌƌied leŵoŶgƌass, ĐoƌiaŶdeƌ ƌoot seƌǀed ǁith ƌed peppeƌ, toŵatoes, ƌelish, seasoŶal ǀegetaďles aŶd Ŷeǁ potato
Ceƌiied AŶgus Neǁ Yoƌk Stƌip LoiŶ topped ǁith ƌoasted shallots aŶd gaƌliĐ iŶfused ďuteƌ, seƌǀed ǁith YukoŶ gold potato fƌites
Roasted RaĐk of Laŵď ǁith a ƌoseŵaƌLJ jus, seƌǀed ǁith gaƌaŵ ŵasala spiĐed FƌeŶĐh leŶils aŶd spiŶaĐh, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ ŵashed potatoes
BƌoǁŶes Hoŵeŵade Laŵď Sausage ǁith ďƌaised Đaďďage, leŶils, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ ŵashed potatoes topped ǁith deŵi-glaĐe
PaŶ Seaƌed Ahi TuŶa Đƌusted ǁith peppeƌĐoƌŶs aŶd sesaŵe seeds, seƌǀed ǁith seasoŶal ǀegetaďles, Ŷeǁ potatoes, ǁasaďi aŶd topped ǁith hoŶeLJ-giŶgeƌ-ďalsaŵiĐ ƌeduĐioŶ
Gƌilled ChiĐkeŶ Bƌeast, ǁith leŵoŶ-shallot jus, ƌoot ŵash aŶd seasoŶal ǀegetaďles
SloǁlLJ Bƌaised laŵď shaŶk ǁith ďƌaised Đaďďage aŶd fƌaŶĐh leŶils sǁeet potato ŵash duo
Roasted RaĐk of VeŶisoŶ iŶ a ƌeduĐed poƌt jus seƌǀed ǁith gaƌliĐ fƌied spiŶaĐh, ƌoasted gaƌliĐ aŶd sǁeet potato ŵash duo
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