Physiotherapists, Back Treatment, Back Pain, Disability Treatment, Accident Treatment, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Fitness, Occupational Rehiabilitation, Women's Health, Dietetics, Acupuncture, Swelling Management, Safe Weight-loss Exercise, Fitness Assessments, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy, Stroke And MS Rehabilitation, TMJ Dysfunction Massage Therapy, Post-Pregnancy Exercise, Pre-natal And Post-partum
Health & Performance Centre commits to excellence in providing physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, naturopathy and wellness programs. We aim to provide the highest level of patie...more...See more text
Improve your mobility and overall well-being by scheduling a visit at ActiveLife Physiotherapy and Wellness. Located in Deer Lake, our occupational therapists and physiotherapists ...more...See more text
'Put Yourself in Our Hands'.
Gulf Massage and Physiotherapy welcomes you back after the big break where the economy was shut down!
For an appointment, please call us at 709 643 5...more...See more text