Registered And Licensed Naturopathic Doctors, Bio Identical Hormone Treatments, IV Nutrient Therapy, Food Allergy Testing, Detoxification Programs, Fertility Treatments, Candida, Acupuncture, Immune Support, Digestive Treatment, Pediatric Health, Stress Management, Skin Conditions, Heavy Metal Testing, Hormone Testing, Women's Health And Hormone Balancing, SIBO Testing And Treatment, Naturopath, Natural Health
Christy Wallace, Naturopathic Doctor
A family oriented Naturopathic Clinic, in St Mary's and London Ontario offering Bio Identical Hormone Treatments and IV Nutrient Therapy
Dr. Ch...more...See more text
Kate Hazlitt, B.A., N.D. completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at the University of Western Ontario in 2001. In 2006, she graduated with the degree of Doctor of Natur...more...See more text
For over 20 years, Jane Cromwell, Canadian Certified Pedorthist, has worked in the Kitchener Waterloo area providing superior products and service to her clients. We don't just sel...more...See more text
Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture And Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Botanical Medicine, Lifestyle Counselling And Stress Management, Laboratory Testing, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor
Restore the balance of energy in your body with effective acupuncture techniques at The Naturopathic Care center in Stratford. Contact us to achieve your health goals in a supporti...more...See more text
Live a healthy life with Stratford Health & Wellness Centre. Located in Stratford, we specialize in performance optimization. We offer massage therapy, electro therapy, kinesio t...more...See more text