myofascial release, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Cupping Therapy, Hypnosis, Self Love Mastery, Aromatherapy Therapy Massage, Hot Stone Massage (RMT), Indian Scalp Massage, Medical Injections, Facial Peels
Rebecca Kitchen is a registered massage therapist and acupuncture practitioner in Woodstock. She offers massage therapy, acupuncture, myofascial release and combination treatments...more...See more text
Pregnancy Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial, Deep Tissue
I am a Registered Massage Therapist who is dedicated to providing therapeutic massage for my clients, to improve their quality of life, health and wellness.
Stephanie Ewing BA RMTmore...See more text
Registered Massage Therapy, Medical Massage Therapy, Medical Acupuncture, Myofascial Release Therapy, Thai / Shiatsu Massage Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Hot Stone Massage Therapy, Assisted Yoga, Meditation, After Hours Care
Are you looking for a holistic treatment that treats the actual cause of your pain or condition? Are you tired of taking pills that only mask your pain/discomfort? If you're seriou...more...See more text
Gene is an awesome massage therapist. She spends the time with you to understand your pain. Her treatments are unique & nothing like anything I've had before. She involves the whole body every time yet still focuses in on the area of pain. She also does acupuncture & still finishes that treatment with massage as well.Read more
Complete Care Therapeutics encompasses what we, as Health Care Practitioners, wanted from a clinic. A relaxed clinic atmosphere, comfortable leather waiting chairs, and exceptional...more...See more text
Best place for therapeutic massage in the area. Compassionate, professional and highly trained. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain or a sports injury, this is the best place to go. I have been a client for more than a decade and have had treatment from a number of therapists here.Read more
I see Travis for 8 months now, and there is no one massage therapist I have ever seen in my life like he is , He has the talent, magic hands can heal your body, he knows what he"s doing, after full massage of the body I feel like a newborn, I will recommend to everyone looking for RMT he is the ONE you have to see it, you will never regret . Grate job, good personality , gently, and many many more I could say. I hope I can keep him for the rest of my life:)Read more