These tips will help you get the most life out of your clothes, and help them stay pristine.
July 27, 2015
These tips will help you get the most life out of your clothes, and help them stay pristine.
Normal wear and tear will inevitably age your clothes, but there are simple ways to prolong the life of any fabric.
Wire hangers, like those provided by dry cleaners, may be economical, but they can stretch out delicate fabrics and knits. Here's some better alternatives:
Hanging is generally good for clothes if they're hung correctly. Centre a garment on a hanger with the seams hanging straight and the shoulder pads fitting properly. Hang with plenty of room between clothing items to avoid wrinkling.
Taking proper care of your clothing will keep your wardrobe looking its best, all while preserving your investment. With the right storage items and a watchful eye, your favourite outfits could last you much longer.
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