There are certain foods that may have the potential to combat cancer. Try looking for them when going out for you next grocery trip.
October 27, 2015
There are certain foods that may have the potential to combat cancer. Try looking for them when going out for you next grocery trip.
If you're interested in taking a natural approach in helping to prevent cancer, then this list of foods may be able to help.
Grab Some Grapefruit
It's a very rich source of Vitamin C but you'll want to stick to consuming the food instead of Vitamin C tablets. Your body is better able to process Vitamin C if it can get it in foods like grapefruit, which helps to combat cancer-causing nitrogen compounds to build up in your body.
Load Up On Berries
Stock up on blueberries, raspberries and cranberries the next time you go grocery shopping. They're high in ingredients like antioxidants like pterostilbene, which may help reduce the chances of getting cancer.
Start Cooking with Salmon
There's no shortage of health benefits that salmon gives, and potentially battling cancer is one of them. It's rich in Vitamin D and possibly able to stop blood vessels from feeding cancerous tumours.
If you can't eat enough salmon, taking Vitamin D supplements can also be a way of getting the salmon benefits.
Add a Bit of Turmeric
You don't have to get all fancy in the kitchen and whip up a batch of Indian curry to gain the health benefits of turmeric. Instead, just season your regular dishes with it to have curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, interfere with cell signals.
And with no calories, it's a really way to add a bit of zest to your diet without worrying about gaining weight.
Make a Cup of Tea
It's hot and comforting to drink on a cold day, but tea also provides a wide variety of health properties that can help stave off cancer. Their catechins compounds work by both halting cancerous growth and blocking the growth of cancerous cells.
There's also no tea that sounds out above the rest, so go ahead and enjoy a mug of gree, oolong, black or anything else that strikes you palate.
Research Beta-Carotene
Foods that are orange or are leafy greens can be a great source of cancer prevention, especially when tackling cancers of the colon, lung and stomach. There are other foods that contain beta-carotene, like high-fibre sweet potatoes, that can work on preventing breast cancer.
Get on the Cruciferous Veggies Bandwagon
It may sound like a mouthful to say, but cruciferous vegetables are essentially just foods that contain phytonutrients, a special type of chemical compounds.
Phytonutrients can be found in foods like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, all of which act to slow down cancer cells metabolizing so they can't feed as readily.
These 7 foods can possibly help to prevent cancer, as well as add a flavour boost to your diet. Just make sure to talk to your doctor before overhauling your diet on your next grocery trip.
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