Bleeding heart perennials say it all

October 9, 2015

Clearly a perennial designed for romance, bleeding heart casts a spell with its graceful, arching sprays of dangling heart-shaped blossoms and blue-green, fernlike leaves. Whether planted on the shady north side of a building or under trees along a woodland walk, bleeding heart catches your eye with its 2.5-centimetre-long (one-inch-long) blossoms that look like little hearts torn apart and shedding drops of blood.

The flowers dangle gracefully from many arching flower stems. One metre (three feet) tall and equally wide, bleeding heart thrives in the shade of leafy trees. It emerges when the  spring sun warms the soil, then lasts into summer, protected by the leafy canopy overhead.

The flowers are delightful additions to bouquets. Cut the stems when half of the flowers are open, in early morning, and plunge the stems into cold water for several hours before arranging. Whether in a bouquet or in your garden, savour most bleeding hearts while they last.

Prolong the life of those bleeding hearts

In midsummer, as the last blossoms fade, the foliage of the species Dicentra spectabilis may yellow and the plant will go into dormancy. This happens when the plant gets either too much sun or too little water.

Either move it or interplant bleeding hearts with ferns or hostas to fill the vacancy during the second half of summer.

Bleeding heart perennials say it all

Get started with these tips

  1. Loosen the soil and dig in plenty of organic matter when planting.
  2. Set out potted plants in early spring, or plant dormant roots as soon as the soil can be worked in late winter.
  3. Keep the soil moist until the young plants are established.
  4. An organic mulch will cool the roots and retain moisture, but to prevent root rot, keep the mulch away from the plant crowns, or growing points where leaves emerge.
  5. When plants go dormant, trim away faded foliage and mark the site so you don't accidentally dig into the roots while they're at rest.
  6. Established plants are best left undisturbed. Mulch with 2.5 centimetres (one inch) of compost in spring, and you'll enjoy years of care-free flowers.

"Cross my heart": Hybrids

To extend the show, try the fringed bleeding heart, D. eximia (Z4).  Although smaller and less showy than D. spectabilis, this North American native keeps its handsome foliage all summer and sends up flowers from late spring into fall. Just pinch out the old flower stems to encourage more blooms.

Fringed bleeding heart has been crossed with several other species, and hybrid plants in varying shades of pink, such as 'Luxuriant' and 'King of Hearts', as well as the pure white 'Snowdrift' and 'Purity' varieties are available.

They have such a long-running act that hardy fringed bleeding hearts are perfect for containers, provided they receive shade and moisture.

Similarly, they can line woodland paths or grace spots with dappled shade in perennial borders.

Fundamental facts

ATTRIBUTES Graceful, heart-shaped, pink or white flowers; blue-green, ferny foliage

SEASON OF INTEREST Midspring to summer

FAVOURITES D. spectabilis; ever-blooming D. eximia 'Luxuriant', 'Snowdrift'

QUIRKS White-flowered types are slightly less vigorous than the pinks

GOOD NEIGHBOURS: Ajuga, ferns, hostas, Solomon's seal, trillium

WHERE IT GROWS BEST: Full to partial shade in rich, moist soil

POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Fungal leaf diseases can occur in damp sites with poor air circulation

RENEWING PLANTS: Plants live many years; divide overgrown clumps


SOURCE: Division; seeds of pure species

DIMENSIONS: 0.6–1 m high (2-3 ft), 0.6–1 m wide (2-3 ft)

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