Chinese Energy Healing, Chinese Energy Massage Therapy, Naturotherapy, Chinese Energy Massage, Cellular Reprogramming, Phythotherapy, Cure Accompaniment, Infrared Equipment Approved By Health Canada, Ionized Alcaline Water, Water Ionization Systems
With a degree in Chinese energy medicine, the professional and experienced therapist offers a wide range of services, such as, massage therapy, naturotherapy, and holistic medicine...more...See more text
If you are more comfortable about expressing your situation/concern in english Manon is perfectly bilingual, as well as extremely professional and helpful in her approach.
Tres professionel et competente. Elle sais comment nous mettre a l'aise. Tres bon resultats! Read more
Based in Sherbrooke, Physiothérapie Jimmy Gagnon offers personalized care to car, sports and work accident victims or anyone in need of physical therapy in Estrie. Accurate diagnos...more...See more text
Jimmy est très professionnel. Il prends le temps de nous expliquer ce qu'il fait et pourquoi. Il est efficace et ses traitements apportent soulagement et mobilité!
À connaître!Read more
Through my knowledge and tools, I help prevent illnesses and injuries, treat your pain and improve your quality of life in a place where you will feel privileged and well supervise...more...See more text
Kinesiology, Physical Activity And Pregnancy, Fitness Class, Physical Activity And Chronical Pain, Physcial Activity 50+, FKQ Member
L'avantage de faire appel à une kinésiologue: des services professionnels, personnalisés et adaptés à votre état de santé.
J'offre des services à domicile et des cours de conditio...more...See more text